Microsoft Teams: New ‘Meeting Recap’ Feature For Teams Users In February 2021.
The Office 365 Admin Center has informed that the new feature is scheduled to be rolled out at the end of January this year, and will be available to MS Teams users in February 2021. The new feature will make it a lot simpler to get up to speed with everything that is shared, noted, or said during a meeting. It eliminates the need for you to contact the organiser, and means you don't have to rush to catch up on patchy meeting notes from your team members to piece the puzzle together!
By February of this year, you will be able to access full meeting recordings from start to finish, shared files and folders, transcripts, and the meeting conversations in the chat tab, giving you all the resources you need to catch up or refer back to.
How do I access the meeting recap information?
All of the recap information will be sent to you automatically within the meeting chat tab and can be viewed in the meeting event within your Outlook and the Details tab within the meeting, so you can refer back to the meeting recap at any point.
How will this benefit my team and organisation?
In 2021, many of us have made the transition to remote working and it's crucial now more than ever to keep your organisation connected and enhance the way you collaborate. Microsoft Teams makes the transition so much easier. With so many of us working from home, the new recap feature will bring some light relief when attending Teams meetings, with the reassurance that you have all of the information you need to keep up your members across your organisation in the know, enhancing levels of productivity at a time when we really need it.
Want to know more?
If you need would like to know more about Microsoft Teams or the new Microsoft Teams Features, then get in touch with the NetMonkeys Team for further information.
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